Hou mohng a!

The title is cantonese and translates to: “Very busy!”. So this post act as my farewell letter before descending into the deep, murky underground filled with distributed systems, Java, sound envelopes and similarity metrics. I have a project due April 30, a mid-term and a project presentation in May 4, a paper presentation in May 9, a big project presentation May 10, two project deadlines May 17 and possibly a term paper due sometime after that. In addition, I have to write a topic proposal for my master thesis and apply for housing and Hong Kong visa as soon as possible.

So farewell to you all. I will hopefully re-emerge towards end of May, maybe only tired and caffeinated, in worst case with severe post-traumatic stress syndromes and heightened risk of heart failure. And yes, the situation is due to some seriously bad planning for my part (as usual), but no point in crying about that now. Have a nice day!

2 thoughts on “Hou mohng a!”

  1. Tycker av någon anledning att det låter lite bekant… =/ Men jag har inte närmelsevis så mycket som du!! Lycka till och jag ser fram emot din återkomst! =)

  2. Ah. Tycker mig också känna igen det lite svagt. Jag kan ju inte säga mycket mer än lycka till, och att du får komma ihåg att krama Shirley lite då och då också. Både för din och hennes skull. :-)

    Liksom Karin ser jag fram mot din återuppståndelse.

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